Permission to Let Go

Doesn’t it seem like we bring in a lot of new things into our lives but we feel guilty of letting go of others?  I think we are programmed to feel like it is a failure of some sort if you leave something behind, let go of a friendship, or stop servicing others in the same manner.  I want to take some time to give permission to letting go of things that no longer serve your life.

My precious niece and nephew entered this world on April 12th, 2012 at just over 1 pound each.  After 100+ days, they were released to go home at a hearty 7+ pounds each.  Their arrival gave me reason to look closely at where my time is being spent and what is still serving my passions and goals.

For me if wasn’t easy to let go of some community groups, networking, toastmasters, and services I was offering to my clients.  It felt as though I might let people down or I may look as though I am quitting, or losing out on some opportunities.   After making these choices I am now feeling much freer and empowered to take control of my life and my choices.  AND, I may even have some room for new opportunities to come into my life.  I believe that making a difference in this world requires us to always check-in to see if our time and energy is focused in the right areas.

I would love to hear others stories of letting go to inspire others that we don’t need to do-it-all.

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